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/ In the Clearing

In the Clearing

by Daniel Barnum

the man with the dead head in his hands
wanted to buy a box. he was holding the buck
mount by the antlers. a stuffed six-pointer, young
still, but old enough to live alone
during its rut, which this should have been. fall. 
not that I knew fuck-all about hunting, or have learned 
anything since without looking it up. in its final
face, the deer appeared convincingly alive, just without 
signs of anguish or desire. ways I have heard others
describe life. staring into the fire-
less smoke of its glass eye, it was easy to forget 
where I was for the minute it took to drown
its glare in green packing peanuts. the customer
whistled a bomb drop when I told him 
how much everything would cost. 
said it came as a shock, but no surprise.

Daniel Barnum

About Daniel Barnum

Daniel Barnum lives and writes in Columbus, Ohio, where they serve as the managing editor of The Journal. Their poems and essays appear in or are forthcoming from West Branch, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Muzzle, Bat City Review, The Hopkins Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere. Their work is featured in Best New Poets 2020, and included as notable in Best American Essays 2020. Their debut chapbook, Names for Animals (Seven Kitchens Press), came out in March 2020. Find them at & @daniel_bar_none

Cold Mountain Review is published once a year in the Department of English at Appalachian State University. Support from Appalachian’s Office of Academic Affairs and College of Arts and Sciences enables CMR’s learning and publications program. The views and opinions expressed in CMR do not necessarily reflect those of university trustees, administration, faculty, students, or staff.