Cold Mountain Review is open for submissions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction from December 21st, 2024 to February 1st, 2025. Submit original unpublished work for our Spring 2025 print and digital issue though our e-mail, [email protected]. Include a brief biographic statement in the body of your email and put your last name and the genre of your submission in the subject line. For example: Name, Fiction
We consider simultaneous submissions, but please contact us if you need to withdraw a piece. All submissions will be read with care, so be patient as we give attention to your writing. We aim to get back to you within three months of your submission. If you haven’t heard from us by then, we look forward to seeing your work during the next cycle of submissions.
For Poetry:
Send 3-5 poems in a single word file. Poems should not exceed ten pages and each poem should appear on a new page. Please name your file with your last name and the number of poems submitted: Name, 3 Poems
For Prose:
Send up to 5000 words in fiction or, if your work is less than 1000 words, up to three pieces. Please name your file with your last name and the title of your piece.
Our Fall & Winter 2024 retrospective issue 52.1 will be available through UNC Press as print-on-demand. Purchasing details TBA spring 2025. CMR’s long-term goal is to make all past issues available as P.O.D. issues through this service as we restore and digitize our archive.