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Where From

by Jim Ross
Where From

Artist’s Statement

I try to capture moments of transition, even when the transition occurs in stillness.  This image was taken near the National Mall at an event attended mostly by women.  Statements on various issues were carried, worn, or shown simply by how people presented themselves.  This message, held by a woman who had positioned herself safely in a tree, was crystal clear: no matter what assertions are made in attempts to divide us–by gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, immigration status–we all really come from the same place.

About Jim Ross

Jim Ross jumped into creative pursuits in 2015 after a rewarding career in public health research. With graduate degree from Howard University, in the past six years he’s published nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and photography in over 175 journals on five continents. Publications include 580 Split, Bombay Gin, Burningword, Camas, Cold Mountain Review, Columbia Journal, Friends Journal, Hippocampus, Ilanot Review, Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Kestrel, Litro, Lunch Ticket, Manchester Review, New World Writing, Stonecoast, The Atlantic, and Typehouse. A nonfiction piece led to appearances in a documentary limited series broadcast internationally. Jim and his wife—parents of two health professionals and grandparents of five preschoolers—split their time between city and mountains.

Cold Mountain Review is published once a year in the Department of English at Appalachian State University. Support from Appalachian’s Office of Academic Affairs and College of Arts and Sciences enables CMR’s learning and publications program. The views and opinions expressed in CMR do not necessarily reflect those of university trustees, administration, faculty, students, or staff.