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/ Musical Conquest

Musical Conquest

by Alfonso "Sita" Sasieta

after La Sonora Ponceña

Six weeks pregnant with our 
second, Crisely reclines. I note 
her spine at ease as I belt 
out a refrain from the LP 
her papi would sing 
while twirling & guiding  
his pregnant cariño
all through the eighties
& nineties & past 
the crisp 
arepa on the stove 
before suddenly
low & moving right 
by moving left by moving
west, following 
that timeless recipe
of stability from under
the adobe roof
in which the kitchen knew 
only measuring cups 
that counted from one 
to eight & tonight, the stiff 
& upright sweat their tired torsos 
into a tenderness. She massages 
the green & I chop
the cebollín wondering
why my mouth whimpers
for this clave pepper 
piano tambor olla cebolla
coro tres cuatro spoons 
bien full of montuno salado 
arroz con bacalao habichuelas 
pasteles agua! fuego 
typically coursing 
& streaming & pumping
every drop of blood
& sabor towards 
the placenta.

Alfonso "Sita" Sasieta

About Alfonso "Sita" Sasieta

Alfonso “Sito” Sasieta is a caregiver, poet, dancer, and father. He lives in Hyattsville, MD, outside the Washington DC area. He works in a L’Arche community, where adults with & without intellectual disabilities share their lives together. He is also a part of a small, ecumenical faith community called Church of the Saviour. Half German-American, half Chinese-Peruvian, he enjoys writing poems that explore the mixedness inherent in the musical, spiritual & linguistic backgrounds from each side of his family.

Cold Mountain Review is published once a year in the Department of English at Appalachian State University. Support from Appalachian’s Office of Academic Affairs and College of Arts and Sciences enables CMR’s learning and publications program. The views and opinions expressed in CMR do not necessarily reflect those of university trustees, administration, faculty, students, or staff.