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Ripple Rock, 1958

Sky sours into sunset & the tugs run against the tide, that dark line of struggle. Now slowed only by cargo, the current,a cruise ship sailing its longest night home. Before, in the narrows, nearly a bridge: two peaks beneath the surface, eddying the...

Having crawled out of the rose, she went home

to where the ocean had left long before, timecalled an age. The limestone had been namedfor a man, same as the penitentiary and the railstop,although no one called the rock anything but bluffs, and that a term from the sea itself, bow of a ship, something steep. The...

Doomsday Vault

this is where the seedsare kept, in a coal mine husk, vacuum-packed, electronically frozen, as ifunentangled; as if the dead avifauna (“3 billion birds, or 29% of 1970  abundance”) care to know their deletionhas economic consequence. this is where we...

BETELGEUSE — Big Orange Ball Of Hot Air

An elderly giant, beyond your time, you were the candidatemost thought might blow; you fit the classic, tragic paradigm.All focused on you, expecting a show …           “The hotter the star, the briefer its...

Thinking Big

The rain is not born in the sky:it is of us and merely returning.Throwing a cup of wateronto the garden path,my little boy said to me:I am making new rain, Dad:Rainbows might come of this. Listen to the author

A Vatican of Cardinals Visits on Mother’s Day

A reverse abecedarian terza rima Zig-zagging from orchids to bougainvillea,young cardinals chase each other over the pool,x-pollinating the water with a spectrum of  wonder, waste, or violence, depending on your schooledview, petals so cleanly severed it’s as if...

The Ancestors Have Heard The Bell

Those sleeping in their stoneshave heard the bellthat rings at both the beginning and the end. Do not mistake their quietfor disappearance:they have only sunk backinto the intimacy of infinity. They are onlybathing in the darkness—holding the...

Used To

for Sarli Mercado it means you go back to the map and put one index finger on the curved coast. you say whichborder and when what happened. you tell about the time your father gathered the hens and took themsomeplace else. ...

Four Poems

Nikon Samuel had crept into the photo unawares          and was in a quandary as to how to extricate himself          from this sudden and curious fork in the road....

Two Poems

Little Edie on Surviving Isolation A Cento for a Pandemic -For Sarah It’s all a question of who you want to stay with.          One needs a house to die in—                    a beautiful house! Mother will die and I’ll have to find another Libra          to live...